Our Services

Mamluk offers different services around cloud consulting and operability.
If you're looking for a partner to help you with your digital journey on the cloud, we're here to help.

Cloud Strategy

There's more to the cloud than just AWS, GCP & Azure. Find the right fit and budget for your needs by leveraging our expertise with cloud providers and alternatives like Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode), Digital Ocean, Vultr, and more. Whether you need a multi-cloud strategy or a hypercloud provider, we can help you find the right fit.

Speak to us today for a free consultation to find out more.

Cloud Strategy


Not everyone needs Terraform and Jenkins, although they have become the defacto tools for enterprises to try and adopt DevOps, GitOps and CloudOps. But there are more efficient alternatives; ones that can save you time and investment, and even decide how much of your investment should go in concepts like Infrastructure as Code. With the maturity of tools like GitHub Actions, Circle CI, and Concourse,the landscape is different from where it was a few years ago.

If you're interested in lean DevOps and CloudOps, reach out to us for a free consultation.

Cloud Operations

API Strategy

APIs are the foundation of the digital ecosystem. They may be compared to the arteries and veins in the human body that carry blood to wherever it is needed. They are the digital netowork that connects and carries data and functionality across an organisation. If this foundation is not setup correctly, an organisation's effort to digitally transform can become crippled.

Build an API strategy and ecosystem to last. Leverage our decades of experience to define a strategy and implement tools help you build a stable foundation for digitial operations in your business. Contact us for a free consultation.

API Strategy

Open Source Support

Enterprises often run into problems when they need to use open source Software. Often times, it's a hard decision between using free and open source software without any commercial enterprise support or a substandard commercial product simply because it has support. This decision is often complicated with long procurement times - the only loser here is the business.

At Mamluk, not only do we support and contribute to open source projects, we also offer support for existing a variety of open source projects, so you can use them in your business with confidence. If you have something in mind and don't see options for support, reach out to us, and we'll see what we can do.

Open Source Support